[Al Asr... A Moment]


Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 11:12 PM

only 18 days to go before i leave manipal for good (insyaAllah).

then, the long awaited holiday will come, away from all the troubles and some not so very nice memories here.

i really hope that i will be in a different whole new environment in Melaka, where i hope that i can focus more on this journey in life and away from all sort of distraction.
Prayer, thought, virtually nothing can change the past, but the effect of the past can be changed so the negativity will have no emotional effect on us.

and i hope i can forget and erase the “past”

be grateful with what i have in the “present”

and hoping for a happy, wonderful and blessed “future”

|doa memohon kebaikan|

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 5:32 AM

Ya Allah, baikkanlah agamaku yang merupakan pemelihara bagi urusan-urusan ku, baikkanlah duniaku yang padanya terdapat kehidupanku, baikkanlah akhiratku yang padanya tempat aku kembali dan jadikanlah hidup sebagai penambah kebaikan bagiku serta jadikanlah mati sebagai peristirahatan bagiku dari semua kejahatan.

(HR. Muslim).

al-Munawi dalam kitab Faidhul Qadir mengatakan, maksud dari “pemelihara bagi urusan-urusan ku” adalah pemelihara bagi urusan2 kita dari keburukan dan kerosakan.

Ini kerana orang yang rosak agamanya adalah orang yang rosak pula seluruh urusan hidupnya sehingga jadilah ia orang yang rugi di dunia dan akhirat.

Maksud “baikkanlah duniaku” adalah cukupkan hidupku di dunia dengan rezeki yang halal, yang dapat membantu kita untuk taat kepada Allah.

Manakala “baikkanlah akhiratku” adalah baikkan akidah dan amalan didunia ini sehingga kita menjadi orang yang beruntung di akhirat nanti.

Maksud “jadikanlah hidup sebagai penambah kebaikan bagiku” adalah supaya dijadikan hidup sebagai tempat bagi kita untuk taat kepada Allah.

Dan maksud “jadikanlah mati sebagai peristirahatan bagiku dari semua kejahatan” adalah jadikan mati sebagai jalan keluar bagi kita dari segala kesedihan, kesulitan dan kesengsaraan hidup di dunia sehingga kita terbebas dari semuanya.


|1.36 a.m|

Monday, July 26, 2010 at 1:20 PM

still can’t sleep due to a nice cup of coffee and a plate of homemade kueyteow goreng.

without realizing ( i think i realize actually), only 21 days left for me before leaving this place.

with a lot of things to pack and a lot of business to be settled, sometimes i forget that i should make the most with the time left for me in Manipal.

i dont know how to describe the feeling to leave this place… happy… a little bit sad… relieve… all the feelings mixed up… not sure which one is the dominant.

22/3… its the date where the 5th semester commence and now its already 27/7… time pass by quite fast eh? and just few months i’ll be 23. its like not too long ago i celebrated my 22nd.

for sure, i’ll miss this place later… 3  years, quite a long period (it should be 2 and 1/2 years if ……………) but for sure (too) its because of the place, the environment and not because of the “tempe” (not being racist… its the truth).

enough of babbling, lets hope everything will be fine in the last few days in Manipal… and then… i just wanna have a good long rest… and ready for the next semester.


|think for a moment|

Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 9:49 PM

what do you feel if you have been diagnosed with cancer?

for a lot of people, they will think it as the end of your life. your body gradually become weak, your day to day activity all but gone and after that, you just lying on your deathbed, waiting for the time where your soul will be taken away from your body. well, not all cancer will end up badly. its all depend on the type of cancer and also the time of diagnosis.

yesterday, as i’m having surgery posting right now, my group have been to Sai Baba Cancer Hospital as our lecture has promised us to show some cancer patient case. we have 2 patient with squamous cell carcinoma of tongue and the other one is a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus. its not the cancer that bother me, but the way the patient facing the malignancies itself.

there is one patient who have been diagnosed with advance stage of Ca of tongue, where it already involve the lower jaw and submandibular nodes. for sure, the prognosis is bad for this patient. but from his face, its like he already accepted the situation which he needs to deal, the pain, the suffering, the uncomfortable symptoms and not to be forgotten the cost. i’m not sure there will be a lot of people who has the same spirit like him. but i am very sure he has not given up the battle yet… since he was continuing his radiotherapy regime.

there is also other patient who broke down, crying for what they have been facing. some patient also just stare blankly to the surrounding… maybe a sign of losing hope, maybe a sign of regret or maybe they have already raise their white flag. yes, it is easy to talk about the battle, about the treatment or about what they will be facing if they had any advance stage of malignancy.

but lets think for a second.

what if it is us who in their place… how are we going to accept it? are we going to continue our fight even the chance is less than 5%? do we will get angry? are we ready to leave the world where there is a lot of thing we want to accomplished? how my family will continue their life if i’m not there?

so be thankful with what we have today. God give us a healthy body to walk on this earth, to do what we should do and to leave behind what we should not. don’t destroy the gift that has been bestow upon us… protect it, treasure eat. imagine, just one bad habit can give rise to a lot of severe disease, like tobacco chewing.

|coffee talk|

Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 10:40 AM

maybe some people are right when they say “just go on with the flow of time”

yup… its better for me to move on rather than hoping for things to become normal again.

by the way, almost all the people change in their life… and they come and go in your life.

its not about how long you know the person, sometimes even you have befriend a person for 10 years…it is might be meaningless.

but few moments spent with someone who really cares for you means more than life itself

it is just how you appreciate people around you. don’t expect people will appreciate you, or be nice to you if you cant do the same thing… or even treat the person with respect.

some people can be very nice to you over the phone, or in the web… but what matter the most is how they treat you in the reality, how they talk to you and how they appreciate you or are they there when we need that person the most.

just think about it for a few moment…. and open up your eyes

|corat coret lagi|

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM

27 days to go and so far so good…i hope i can keep on like this till the end.

like other people said, happiness will not come to you out of nothing. u need to search for it, u need to maintain it and you need to be careful with it too. but for me happiness is not everything. its useless if u are happy but inside your heart, there is no “at peace” factor.

why? because you may laughing from morning to noon but at the end of the day all the good feeling gone, and sadness may come after that and make your day end badly. everything has its limit. to be happy has its limit, to be sad also has it limit. but what matter after all if the inner you. for me, its better to be sad but my heart is at peace so that i can deal with each emotions wisely.

as what my friend said to me, no matter how sad you are inside, try keep smiling, try to keep strong and try to make everything like normal.

at first im not quite understand with what he said but now i think i found the meaning. if u are sad, or u show urself in a deep trouble, it will affect the people around you. imagine people will talk about in and the problem will go on and on. i like to said to myself… if u are in trouble or if u are suffering from something, juz carry the burden alone… dun let other people carry unnecessary burden in their life.

the main thing is, juz stay strong even u are in trouble, practice “husnul zan”. “salamatus sadri” and juz think any problem that come to you as a lesson and one of the way Allah want to make u stronger.

keep walking… keep moving… and never stop


And that it is He Who makes laugh, and makes weep.

And that it is He Who causes death and gives life

(Surah An-Najm, 43-44)

|walking down the memory lane|

Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 1:30 AM

i like to browse through pictures, cuz it bring back all the memories from the past… the time when you are happy, the time when you feels sad, the picture of your great2 grandfather, the picture of somebody who have gone away forever and so on.

its like you walking down a lane… with several distinct area for different time, different mood, different people and also different environment. yes, i am really agree when people said pictures tell you more than words can. here are several old pic from my families collection…

Jeragan Abdul Shukor Bin Mohamed Ali (Orang Kaya-Kaya Setia Bijaya Di Raja Perak)

the good ol’ KMS time

my late grandmother, Hajah Mesah

my dad and his retro gang..haha

home sweet home

and so on….

|akhlak & ilmu|

Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 7:45 AM

sebuah artikel yg bagi saya amat menarik terutamanya bagi mereka yg bergelar student

artikel ini diambil dari www.iluvislam.com, dan ditulis oleh saudara Buluh @ Muhammad Rashidi bin Haji Wahab.

Islam adalah agama yang amat menitik beratkan soal akhlak dan adab-adab bagimenjamin kebahagiaan dan keharmonian hidup di dunia dan akhirat. Adab-adab yang diajar oleh Islam ini merangkumi segala aspek samada sekecil-kecil perkara hinggalah kepada sebesar-besar perkara. Perutusan Rasulullah S.A.W. kepada manusia juga di antara lainnya adalah untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang baik lagi terpuji kepada seluruh alam.

"Adab tulus tanpa ilmu adalah lemah dan tak berguna,
ilmu tanpa adab tulus adalah membahayakan"

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud:
"Sesungguhnya aku diutuskan untuk menyempurnakan kemuliaan akhlak (manusia)."
(Riwayat Baihaqi).

Amat malang sekali apa yang berlaku pada dewasa ini, sebilangan umat Islam meninggalkan dan tidak mengambil berat adab-adab Islam lantas berlakulah perbalahan yang tidak menguntungkan umat Islam. Bahkan ada sebilangan umat Islam yang sengaja menolak dan tidak mahu langsung mengambil manfaat daripadanya sedangkan mereka ini daripada kalangan orang-orang yang mengetahui. Apa yang lebih menyedihkan lagi, mereka juga melarang orang lain daripada melakukan dan beramal dengan adab-adab Islam sedangkan mereka juga mengetahui kelebihan dan kebaikannya.
Sebilangan daripada Salaf berkata:

"Dengan mempelajari satu bab daripada adab (akhlak) lebih disukai di sisiku daripada mempelajari tujuh puluh bab daripada bab-bab ilmu."
(Kitab: Mausuah al-Adab al-Islamiyyah).

Islam amat menyeru umatnya supaya mengamalkan segala adab-adab yang telah dijelaskan dan diterangkan oleh al-Quran al-Karim dan as-Sunnah S.A.W. melalui lidah-lidah para ulama. Adab-adab tersebut untuk memastikan agar kehidupan manusia berada di dalam keadaan aman dan harmoni. Semua adab adalah untuk mencantikkan segala amalan yang ingin dilakukan manusia. Setiap amalan akan lebih bermakna sekiranya dihiasi dengan adab-adab yang indah. Berikut adalah antara kata-kata ulama yang boleh kita jadikan panduan :

Berkata Syeikh Abdul Fatah Abu Ghuddah:
"Imam Qurafi berkata di dalam kitabnya al-Furuq: Ketahuilah sesungguhnya dengan mengamalkan sedikit adab-adab Islam lebih baik daripada memperbanyakkan amalan." (Kitab: Min Adab al-Islam).

Berkata Syeikh Abdul Aziz bin Fathi:
"Ibnu Mubarak berkata: Aku mempelajari adab selama tiga puluh tahun dan aku mempelajari ilmu selama dua puluh tahun dan adalah mereka (para ulama) mempelajari adab kemudian barulah mempelajari ilmu."
(Kitab: Mausuah al-Adab al-Islamiyyah).

Berkata Imam Nawawi:
"Imam Shafie berkata: Sesiapa yang ingin dibukakan hatinya oleh Allah Taala maka hendaklah ia berkhalwat, sedikit makan, menjauhi daripada bergaul dengan orang bodoh dan membenci orang yang tidak berlaku adil dan tidak beradab daripada kalangan orang yang berilmu."
(Kitab: al-Majmuk Syarah Muhazzab).

Berkata Habib bin as-Syahid kepada anaknya:
"Wahai anakku, berkawanlah engkau dengan fukaha (orang alim), pelajarilah daripada mereka dan ambillah adab-adab yang baik daripada mereka kerana sesungguhnya yang demikian itu lebih disukai di sisiku daripada banyak mempelajari hadis."
(Kitab: Mausuah al-Adab al-Islamiyyah).

Berkata Saidina Ali:
"Petunjuk sebaik-baik pemimpin, akhlak yang baik sebaik-baik teman, akal merupakan sebaik-baik sahabat dan adab sebaik-baik peninggalan."
(Kitab: al-Adab Islamiyyah Li an-Nasyiah).

Salah seorang hukamak berkata:
"Tiada kemuliaan bersama buruknya adab."
(Kitab: al-Adab Islamiyyah Li an-Nasyiah).


Apabila kita membicarakan perihal adab-adab dan akhlak, maka persoalan ini sudah pastilah mempunyai kaitan khusus dengan perbincangan ilmu Tasawuf. Ilmu Tasawuf pula adalah sebahagian daripada ilmu-ilmu yang perlu dipelajari oleh setiap umat Islam selain daripada ilmu Akidah dan Fiqh. Tidak lengkap rasanya jika perbahasan hukum-hakam tidak diselitkan bersama dengan unsur-unsur ilmu Tasawuf. Ini kerana ilmu Tasawuf bertindak menjaga kesucian dan ketenangan hati dan kemudian diterjemahkan melalui perbuatan zahir yang diambil kira berdasarkan ilmu Fiqh. Barangsiapa yang hanya mempelajari ilmu Fiqh dan Akidah tanpa mempelajari dan menghayati ilmu Tasawuf maka sesungguhnya mereka sengaja menjerumuskan diri ke lembah kebinasaan.
Berkata Imam Junaid:

"Tasawuf adalah menggunakan semua akhlak ketinggian yang terpuji dan meninggalkan semua tingkah laku yang rendah lagi dikeji."
(Kitab: al-Nusrah al-Nabawiyyah).



Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 8:44 AM

agak2 ade brape org je dalam dunia nie yg macam nie?

|the 4th month…and 35 days to go|

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 6:06 AM

I'm praying for enough strength to go through till the end of the 5th semester

and I’m praying that I will be stronger and wiser in the future… if not now

and I’m praying that what I’ve been through will never happen again

and i pray that someday i'll be a better person


Friday, July 9, 2010 at 10:25 AM

Holding on to something
With hope in your heart
But sometimes time can change things
And hoping gets hard

Don't give up, don't give in
Others have been where you've been
And just around the corner there's a smile

You need to remember
That someone cares for you
That summer follows winter
And life can be renewed
You need to remember
That sunshine follows rain
That tears are prayers for laughter
And life can come again
You need to remember

Understanding heartache
It's hard just to trust
But you'll find things will work out
Just believe in His love

And don't give up, don't give in
Others have been where you've been
And just around the corner there's a smile

You need to remember
That someone cares for you
That summer follows winter
And life can be renewed
You need to remember
That sunshine follows rain
That tears are prayers for laughter
And life can come again
You need to remember

|4th month|

at 4:52 AM

tomorrow will be the 4th month since that day…

it feels like its already been so long. and here i am, still finding the strength to move on, still trying to make myself happy, still trying to throw all away all the sadness

but its not that easy, and i know, i am the one to find the answer

but i hope, maybe one day i can be stronger, in every aspect.

its just too hard to go on like this, with this kind of mentality,
but at least i’m still having the strength to go on, and i need to change….

august 14.. please come fast…

i need a long rest...


Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 12:14 PM

"Free yourself from hatred - forgive.
Free yourself from worries - most never happen.
Live simply and appreciate what you have.
Give more and expect less."

mari menjadi seorang insan yang sentiasa bersangka baik,

mari menjadi seorang insan yang sentiasa berlapang dada

dan mari menjadi seorang insan yang ikhlas dalam beramal…

|resepi kaya|

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 8:29 AM

nie bagi mereka yg berade kat perantauan + lame x blk msia tapi teringin nak makan roti ngn kaya…selain dari parcel yg dihantar oleh parents, anda juge bley try wat sendiri…tapi pandan x tau la dpt ke x…gune perase pon ok gak…haha


3 biji telur + 3/4 cawan gula (pukul smpai sebati)

1 cawan air + 1 cawan gula (mcm nak wat gula hangus utk puding karamel)

1 1/2 cawan santan

2 sudu besar tepung jagung (bancuh ngn air sket)

then mix je sume2 tu 1 by 1. masak atas api sederhana and kalo nak rase pandan tambah jus pandan/pewarna pandan. jgn lupe kacau selalu so that x nmpk buruk. masak smpai mendidih/ nampak pekat…then siap utk dimakan! :D

|The cure for a heart Is to move along...so move along|

Monday, July 5, 2010 at 10:07 AM

one of my fav song from the script
i like the lyrics... quite meaningful for me... maybe not all of 'em

|resepi puding karamel|

Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 10:18 PM

one of my favorite dessert…lagi best kalau ade nescafe skali haha…actlly ade byk care nak wat puding nie… bley gune evaporated milk, toned milk and also susu manis.

tapi plg best gune evaporated milk but since kat india nie mende nie agak mahal so i stick to susu manis. lagi sng actlly sbb xyah tambah gule dah..haha

ok… so this is the recipe…enjoy :)

Bahan A:

7 biji telur

1 tin susu manis

2 sudu besar esen vanilla

2 sudu besar tepung kastard (agak2 kalau nak lg keras/lembut)

Blend je sume and later tuang dalam bekas.

Bahan B:

Yang nie lak utk wat die nye gule hangus/karamel

1 cawan gula pasir

1 cawan air

Just fry the sugar on a pan…smpai die cair dan nmpk mcm dah brown sket…pas2 tambah air, slowkan api and kacau + bagi nampak pekat sket.

Pas2 biarkan gula tu settle dalam loyang and biar gula tu sejuk. after that tuangkan bancuhan tu on the top of the sugar slowly….kukus for 45 minutes and voila! siap utk dimakan…tapi sejukkan dulu puding tu :D 


at 7:00 AM
Instead of asking, 'Why did this happen to me?', ask yourself, '"How can I use this? Where is the gift in this?" - Anthony Robbins


i hope i can think like this. working on it


|morning view|

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 8:09 PM

Sunday is here…or in the other words another weekend coming to an end.

and today i am enjoying my Sunday morning view from the balcony, with a nice cup of coffee. i think its been long time since i’ve been doing this. just gazing at the open view for half and hour, letting my mind wandering while enjoying the beauty of nature (luckily there is not much “civilization” back here..haha).

i dont know why, but lately i always daydreaming, recalling all sort of things in my mind, recalling what i’ve done so far, all my sins and all my fault and others thing that i’ve done.

surely, there is lot of regret, grief, and not to be forgotten all those happiness and joy that i had. but when i think back, life is like nature which i saw from my balcony. its keep changing, some trees will grow, some birds will die, some building from arose from afar and nothing stay as it is for long period. but i hope i’ll be like a big tree, giving shade to people who in need, providing fruits for whom in hunger and even when the tree die later, people can still use it parts.

and i hope my view on things, my opinion, my thought will be as wide as what i can view from the balcony, not just what can i view from my room.



at 2:53 AM

Can we still be friends?
Please answer me this...
Because truly, and honestly...
Your friendship I do miss...

You said we'd always be friends,
And I said "that sure is right"
But I guess you changed your mind now,
Because no longer are we tight...

I know I did you wrong,
If I could change that, I would do it fast...
But what about what you always say?
"Don't live in the past"

It seem that...you, are doing,
I can not get my point across...
And messing up things with you,
Has completely been a major loss...

And I’m sorry for what I’ve done so far,

And I know its hard for things to be normal again,

Maybe someday it will, but not today