[Al Asr... A Moment]


Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 8:54 AM


aidiladha kembali lagi tahun ini, pada 1430H @ 2009… alhamdulillah kerana kita masih diberi kesempatan untuk menyambutnya di bumi Allah ini. bila berbicara tentang aidiladha, kita tidak lepas dari berbicara tentang korban, dan bila berbicara tentang korban teringat saya kepada at-Tadhiyyah.

at-Tadhiyyah bermaksud mengorbankan harta, jiwa, masa dan segala galanya untuk mencapai tujuan. sebagai seorang muslim, pengorbanan kita mestilah kearah untuk mencapai keredhaan Allah. contohnya seperti dalam jihad masyarakat Palestin menentang rejim Zionis, mereka mengorbankan apa yang mereka miliki untuk menuntut hak mereka ke atas tanah suci ke 3 umat Islam.

jika kita hayati takbir raya… kita bertakbir yang kita beribadat kepada Allah dengan ikhlas dan kita hanya memohon perlindungan daripadanya dari orang2 kafir. ini membuatkan saya teringat sebuah hadis:

Dari Ibnu 'Abbas r.huma meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda:

"Sesiapa yang menyukakan manusia dengan memurkakan Allah S.W.T., maka Allah S.W.T. murka terhadapnya dan Allah S.W.T. akan menjadikan orang-orang yang telah disukakannya dengan memurkakan Allah S.W.T. itu juga murka terhadapnya. Dan sesiapa yang telah menyukakan Allah S.W.T. dan menyebabkan manusia murka, maka Allah S.W.T. akan menyukakannya dan Allah S.W.T. akan menyukakan juga orang-orang yang telah dia murkakannya kerana menyukakan Allah S.W.T. Sehingga Allah S.W.T. akan memperelokkan dirinya pada pandangan orang-orang yang marah itu dan Allah S.W.T. akan mencantikkan kata-kata dan perbuatan dirinya pada pandangan orang ramai."


Hadith riwayat Tabrani dan Majma uz Zawaid

begitu juga dengan kita yang berada di jalan dakwah, dan sahabat2 lain yang sedang memperjuangkan Islam di setiap inci bumi Allah ini. bukan senang untuk berkorban tetapi ingatlah, tiada dakwah tanpa jihad, dan tiada jihad tanpa pengorbanan. ingatlah kita tentang firman Allah:

” Dan barang apa saja yang kamu nafkahkan, maka Allah akan menggantinya dan Dialah Pemberi rezeki yang sebaik-baiknya.” (34:39)




” Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sukakah kamu aku tunjukkan suatu perniagaan yang dapat menyelamatkanmu dari azab yang pedih? (yaitu) kamu beriman kepada Allah dan RasulNya dan berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta dan jiwamu. Itulah yang lebih baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui.”


|inexpressible cloud of thoughts|

Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 9:35 AM

updating blog before block exam…

well, actually there is nothing i want to talk about… maybe sharing something will be good.

do you guys ever have one moment in your life, where you need to deliver a speech, and you have prepared for it but during the critical moment, everything seems entangled in your mind, you have the idea but you cant find the words. well, it happens to me, not 1 time but a lot of times… maybe my public speaking skill is not good. i would like to call it “inexpressible cloud of thought”. sounds like something from Theory of Knowledge for IB student isn’t it?

and here i would like to apologize if my presentation on the topics that i delivered on last saturday is not good enough and i think it is so, or there is certain parts where you guys can’t understand. there is a lot of things i want to say but everything seems to be entangled. actually i have done some study on the topics and the background of the author, who is one of the great journalist and Muslim scholar, Abul ala Maududi and also as-Syahid Syed Qutb.

back to the topic, sometimes i think my hand are faster than my mouth. there is always a moment when i want to talk about something and i have a concrete idea about the topic but when i start to speak everything seems messed up. maybe because i have some nervous disorder? haha

but i wonder why it does not happen when i am involved in discussion? maybe the “feeling in a group” give different mood to the person involved. maybe.

by the way try to read the book (Manhaj Hidup Muslim) when you have some times to kill. besides there is a lot of good books about Islam that we dont discover yet. try to get some suggestions from anybody who is a “pro” in this field. 

last but not least…. pray for the best for me and my friends for the incoming block exam :)

|sekadar peringatan|

Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 9:53 AM

“Orang-orang Yahudi akan terpecah menjadi 71 golongan, seluruhnya di neraka kecuali satu. Orang-orang Nasrani terpecah menjadi 72 golongan, seluruhnya di neraka kecuali satu. Dan umatku akan terpecah menjadi 73 golongan, seluruhnya di neraka kecuali satu.” Didalam riwayat lain,”Mereka bertanya,’Wahai Rasulullah, siapakah golongan yang selamat ?”

Beliau saw menjawab,”Siapa yang berada diatas (ajaran) seperti ajaranku hari ini dan para sahabatku.” (HR. Thabrani dan Tirmidzi)

Didalam riwayat lain disebutkan,”ia adalah jama’ah, tangan Allah berada diatas tangan jama’ah.” (HR. Ahmad dan Abu Daud.


kesimpulannya, kenalah kita berusaha untuk menjadi golongan yang satu itu… umat Islam memang ramai… tp tgklah… seperti yang hadis nie cakap, satu golongan je yg x masuk ke dlm neraka… moga kita dijadikan dalam golongan yang satu itu… amin ya rabbal ‘alamin.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 7:46 PM

Arthur James Balfour then the British Foreign Minister in UK was give his tragic declaration that gives the Jews a homeland in Palestine, while UK was mandating Palestine in November 2, 1917.
Ninety two years passed on that sad declaration of Balfour’s famous letter to Lord Rothschild one of the leaders of Zionist movement who made a false statement : ' A land without people for a people without land.'

The letter reads as follow:
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

'His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.'
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

This letter made famous phrase which sums up the situation like this: 'those who gave what do not have a promise to those who do not deserve,' that black day in the history of the Palestinian people, also in the history of humanity, and a blow to justice and international legitimacy.
The British government had offered the text of the Balfour Declaration to U.S. President Wilson, and approved the content prior to publication, and agreed upon by France and Italy officially the year in 1918 and followed by U.S. President Wilson formally and publicly in 1919, as well as Japan.

On April 25, 1920 and approved by the Supreme Council of Allied forces in the San Remo Conference to entrust the assignment to Britain on Palestine, and to put into effect the Balfour Declaration as contained in Article II of the Mandate, in the July 24, 1922 and approved by the League of Nations on the draft mandate, which came into force on 29 September / September 1923, and thus we can say that the Balfour Declaration was a promise by the west and not Britain alone.

Jews have been able to exploit that clip from Arthur Balfour known proximity of the Zionist movement, and then the Mandate, and the decision of the General Assembly in 1947.

The partition of Palestine to achieve their dream of the establishment of Israel in the fifteenth of May, in May 1948, but this entity is a member of the United Nations pressure the larger countries, and Israel will become the first country in the history of the world political order established on the land of others, and received international support, made them perk in the region, and expand and swallow more Palestinian and Arab territories, and the strong arm, including the rest of the Palestinian people on their land without mercy.