[Al Asr... A Moment]


Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 12:16 PM





its already 12 by now and i’ll be facing the second block exam by tomorrow. sedar x sedar, masa memang pantas berlalu meninggalkan kita. macam baru beberapa hari sy tiba dari malaysia. tapi bile tgk2 blk kalendar, its been a long time. bukan nak cerita pasal homesick ke ape, cuma rase agak kerugian sebab masa pantas… mungkin terlalu pantas berlalu.

rutin hidup sehari hari pun berulang2… dari celik mata kita, tunaikan solat subuh, pastu pegi jogging ke, kayuh basikal ke… hinggalah tertutupnye mata kita, bak kata org “maut sughra” :). kadang2 mesti kita terase bosan gak dgn kitaran hidup yang sama. x ade perubahan yang agak besar yang membuatkan kite motivated or tergerak untuk melangkah ke suatu tahap yang lain.

mungkin suatu hari nanti, beberapa tahun dah keje sebagai doktor, mungkin ada antara kite yg beralih ke bidang yang lain seperti business, politik or other field. there will be a point, or maybe several points in your life yang membuatkan kite beralih arah. its not that you want to leave medical field but to widen your prospect in life. mungkin kerana self satisfaction, mungkin kerana better opportunities, mungkin kerana personal gain… its depend on that person and his aim.

thats in term of career.


in term of personal level… dari sifat kita, dari segi akhlak kite, banyak jugak yang berubah ubah. ade yang menjadi lebih baik, ade jugak yang menjadi lebih teruk. selalu kita fikir yang kite telah mengikuti haluan yang betul, sehingga banyak yang diantara kita sesat… ada jugak yang dapat cari jalan pulang, dan ada jugak yang terus berjalan diatas kesesatan tersebut, dan lebih teruk lagi, di sepanjang jalan itu dia menyesatkan org lain pulak.

memang manusia itu senang alpa dan leka… tetapi adakah kita nak biarkan diri kita terus leka? dengan alasan yang agak mudah… “x de org tegur aku pon”,”x pe… x susahkan hidup sape2 pon” dan sebagainye. disini datanglah kepentingan muhasabah. sy pon jarang2 buat… truly to be said.

mungkin sekali sekala… ketika x de keje nak buat… kita flashback balik ape yang kite dh buat… fikirkan balik.. betulke ape yang aku buat nie… macam computer gak… kene update antivirus, kene defrag, kene update registry. sebab slalu jugak kite buat satu bende kerana hawa nafsu… dan bukan menurut ape yang telah kite diperintahkan. x masuk lagi org yang putar belit sesuatu fakta untuk kepentingan diri.

so… sometimes… when you walking along the road… look back for awhile… so that you’ll never lost cuz life is not a bed of roses, life is not a straight highway and life is full of twists and turns… and it is like a note book where you can write in it, either by yourself or by referring to the others, or just by copying it from the published examples.

but it’s you who make it wonderful and it is you who make it rubbish.


Monday, October 12, 2009 at 11:26 PM
sedikit sebanyak tentang golongan Ahbash... nak tahu lagi rajin2 la cari... :)

Note: All information got from Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Demashqiyyah's book about this bad group.

All praise belongs to Allah, and the Salat and Salam upon the Messanger of Allah Mohammad bin Abdillah.

Habashi's History:

This group called Ahbash relating to their first leader Abdullah Al-Harawi Al-Habashi. He came to Lebanon from Ethiopia (Habashah), that why they called him Al-habashi. He left Addis Ababa after he made a Fitnah there its called Kolob Fitnah. The Addis Ababa's people know him as Sheikh Al-Fitnah according to evidence from some of his relative. What he did there, he work with the ruler of Endraji -the son in law for the Ethiopia's president Helaselasi - against Islamic Associations there, and he helped him to close all the Islamic National Association's schools for memorizing the Holy Quran in Hrar city in 1940 ( 1367 Hejrah), and they issued their judge on the schools' manager - Ibrahim Hassan- to jail him twenty three years, also he helped the that ruler to internment the scholars there. He did that for those people, because they are Wahabi. For that reason, the people called him after that is the Sheikh Al-Fitnah.

When he came to Lebanon, his followers there forgot his history, and he still does there - in Lebanon - as what he did before in Ethiopia, if you disagree with him in any problem you will be Kafir automatically, he said
Al-Albaani and Ibn Baaz are Kufars, Ibn Taymiyah is Kafir and Murtad and Zendeq and he asked his followers to lit Ibn Taymiyyah's books, Imam Al-Dhahabi is wicked, Sayed Sabig is Majusi (The people who worship the fire) and in the other side he praised Jamal AbdulNasir because he killed Syed Qutb. He asked his followers to hit or kill anyone who has beliefs different than their beliefs, to make sure ask the Lebanon's Mosques Imams, ask Adnan Yasen, how many times they tried to kill him, ask Hassan Katuji, what he did for them to let them following him to hit an hurt him, ask Jamal Al-Thahabi and Abdul-Hamed Shanuha and others why they leave Lebanon. Try to listen to their Radio, and see what they described Sheikh Mohammed Al-Juzo, they describe him as lewd man.

In front of all these things, we could not find him or his followers did something toward the
Batiniyah, but what he did in one of his lectures, he encouraged the people to appeal the aid from AL-Albeit, and there is no problem to say O' Ali or O' Hussein ( Ya Ali , Ya Hussein).

He also, gave some strange fatwas for his followers, he allow
Al-riba (the interest) Some people said he is Jew man, however there is no clear evidence for that, but at least he has a lot of the Jew's characteristics.

Habashi's Beliefs :

Al-Ahbash claimed that they follow Al-Shafi'e. To make sure about that let us see their beliefs to know if they follow
Imaam As-Shafi'sBeliefs or not.

1- They change the meaning of Allah's attributes based on the desire. But Al-Shafi as all Ahlu-sunnah beliefs Allah's attributes as what Allah (S.W.T) mentions them in His book and in the Sunnah of His Messengers without any meaning's changing, exchanging, or misconstruction. Look what Al-Habashi and his followers said about ' Al-Istiwa' " Al-rahman ala al'arsh istawa" translation "
The most Beneficent (Allah) Istawa (rose over) the mighty Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty) -Taha verse 5- ,

what they - Ahbash- said about the meaning of this word 'Istawa' they said it means take possession of the Throne, that means there was a god before Allah , then Allah possessed the throne from that first god, which no Muslim will believe or accept that , Ta-a'la-Allah Oluwan Kabera. The meaning of Istawa every Muslim knows the meaning by the Fitrah, it means He (S.W.T) rose over, that set no more details such as how, because Allah (S.W.T) tells us in the Quran about his attributes something fit with human's mind, we believe them as is, according Imaam Maalik, when someone ask him about Al-Istiwa he - may Allah have mercy on him-
Al-Istiwa's meaning is known, how is unknown, believe it is obligation, and to ask about is Bid'ah, then he asked this man to go because he is Mubtad'a.

2- Their Sheikh said that, The Quran's word was established by Gabriel (Alih Asslam), and Quran is not Allah's speech -look Izhar Al-Iqedah Al-Sunnyah P. 59-. Of course this idea is not new idea he came up with it, he just follows Al-Thalal's Imams. This idea is not something simple we can forget it. Just think about that, if we said Al-Quran is not Allah's speech that means it somebody's else speech, that means it could have some mistake. If we look at the history, where this idea come from, and why they came up with this idea, we will notice that, they want to reject the Quran, but they could not find any way to prove that, It is deficient or incomplete, then they came up with this idea. When the Muslims believe that, it is not Allah's speech then it could be incomplete or it is not perfect. Then we can change some of it while it is not perfect.

3- He - Al-Habashi - came up with some strange things, he said Allah is has ability on most of things - look Izhar Al-Iqedah Al-Sunnyah P. 59 -. Also, he asked the people this question, Is Allah able on him self or not?. Do you think Imam Al-Shafi believes these things or did he - may Allah have mercy on him- ask such question like what Al-Habashi did.

4- He -Al-Habashi- encourage people to go to the graves and appeal for aid from dead, also he allows to seek the protection from other than Allah (look Al-Daleel Al-Qaweem P.173, Bwghyat Al-Talib P.8, Sareeh Al-Bayan P.57-62). Also, he said Al-Awleya come from their graves to do people's needs, then they go back to their graves ! (look Khalid Kanan's tape /b/70). Also, he ask people to have Tabaruk by stone (look Sareh Al-Byan P. 58, Ithhar Al-Aqedah Al-Sunnyah P.244). Do you think Al-Shafi does or believe these garbage.

5- He is Jabri, he said Allah help the Kuffars on their Kufer, if Allah did not help them they will not be Kuffar (look Al-Nahj Al-Saleem P. 67).

6- He is
Murji, he said Iman is saying only without deeds, i.e. , Iman is belief only , when you believe it is enough for you to enter Al-Jannah you do have to do any practice, he make Abu Baker and Abu Jahel is same, because both believe Allah. Anyone believe Allah is Mu'min either he pray or not, he does Islam's Pillars or not. (look Al-Daleel Al-Qaweem P.7, Beghyat Al-Taleb P.51).

7- He does not care about the Judgment by Islam or other which is against Islam, and he describe the people who judge by human's law (against Islam) and do not like to judge by Islam, he describe them as Muslim and Mu'min, also he allows helping them (look tape No. 318/1 side A). Also, he said any one who said at least one time in his life La Elah Ela Allah (No God but Allah) he is Muslim and Mu'min even if he does not judge the Allah's Sharee'ah in his life, does not do any of Allah's commands, and does not leave Allah's prohibited. (look Al-Daleel Al-Qaweem P.9-10, Beghyat Al-Taleb P. 51).

8- He tries to get
Shi'ah's agree by talking a lot about the Fitans which happened between companions, and he insult Mua'wiyah(R.A.A) a lot and he - Al-Habashi - made him -Mua'wiyah - of Fire's people, also he mention a lot of Shia'h's stories about Mua'wiyah (R.A.A).

9- He - Al-Habashi - believe that, Allah created the universe and sent the Messengers without any wisdom, because if you said that, that means you put some reasons for that, and if you put some reasons that means you put some partner with Allah ! - Strange !! -

10- He -Al-Habashi- allows
Al-Riba (the interest).

11- He allows to pray with dirty - Najasah - ( look Beghyat Al-Taleb P. 99-100).

12- He allows to play gambling with Kuffar, and allows to steal your neighbors if they are non Muslim. (look Sareeh Al-Bayan P. 133)

13- He insult the scholars beginning with the companions especially
Mua'wiyah (R.A.A) ( look Ethhar Al-Aqeedah AlSunnyah P. 182). look to some of his tape like (tape No. 13/A/94) to see what he said about Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, also, look at (Al-Magalat Al-Sunnyah P. 15, 24, 26, 57, 62, 75). Look what he said about Imam Al-Thahabi, he said he is wicked, Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab murderer and Kafir (look at their Manar Al-Huda Magazine Issue 3 P.34). Sheikh Syed Sabiq is Majosi Kafir (tape No. 1/A/181).

In front of that, we find Al-Habashi is defending the bad people like
Ibn Arabi which all his book is witness on his Kufr because he said something no one said it toward Allah even Jews and Christians.

|halal dan haram|

Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 5:34 AM
Daripada Abu Abdullah al-Nu'man ibn Basyer r.a. رضي الله عنهما beliau berkata:
Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

Sesungguhnya perkara yang halal itu terang jelas, dan sesungguhnya perkara yang haram itu terang jelas, dan di antara kedua perkara tersebut ada perkara-perkara syubhat yang kesamaran yang kebanyakan orang tidak mengetahuinya. Barangsiapa yang menjaga perkara syubhat maka sesungguhnya dia telah membersihkan agamanya dan maruah dirinya. Dan barangsiapa yang terjatuh dalam perkara syubhat, maka dia telah jatuh dalam perkara haram, umpama seorang pengembala yang mengembala di sekeliling kawasan larangan, dibimbangi dia akan menceroboh masuk ke dalamnya. Ketahuilah bahawa setiap raja ada sempadan dan sesungguhnya sempadan Allah itu ialah perkaraperkara yang diharamkanNya. Ketahuilah bahawa dalam setiap jasad itu ada seketul daging yang apabila ia baik maka baiklah seluruh jasad dan apabila ia rosak, maka rosaklah seluruh jasad. Ketahuilah ia adalah hati.

Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

kalau kite belek2 balik kitab hadis 40 imam nawawi.. mesti terjumpe hadis nie yang teramatlah popular... sape yang x penah dengar mmg agak pelik la... haha... bahkan x silap saye ade 1 lagu Xifu tentang hadis nie...

seperti yang dikatekan oleh Imam Abu Daud:

"Hadith ini merangkumi satu perempat dari ajaran Islam. Barangsiapa yang memperdalaminya, ia akan memperolehi semua kandungan yang disebutkan di atas, kerana hadith ini mencakupi penjelasan tentang halal, haram dan perkara2 syubhat, apa yang boleh memperbaiki hti dan yang merosakkannya. Semua ini menuntut kepada kita untuk mengetahui hukum2 syariat, dasa2 dan cabang2nya. hadiths ini juga merupakan dasar bagi sikap wara', iaitu meninggalkan yang syubhat"

kalau kite perhatikan ape yang dikatakan oleh Imam Abu Daud, mesti kite tahu betape besarnye taraf hadis nie. betapa, Rasulullah menekankan tentang perkare2 yang halal dan haram serta perkare yang diantara kedua2nya.

begitu juga penekanan dari segi kehormatan diri, kesucian agama Islam, penegasan terhadap meninggalkan perkara2 yang syubhat dan pelbagai aspek Islam dan kehidupan yang boleh kite kupas dari hadis ini sahaja. saya suggestkan supaye kite sume baca sedikit dgn lebih mendalam tentang hadis nie... tetapi tentulah dgn org yang arif dan bukan bace2 sendiri je...

mari kite sentuh ape yang kite buat hari ini... banyak diantare kite termasuklah saya KURANG menjage perkare2 yang syubhat... banyak gak kalo nak cerite satu2... jadi baiklah kite muhasabah balik ape bende yang kite dah buat... kerana silap haribulan kite terbiase dgn perkare2 yang syubhat and then melangkah pulak ke alam perbuatan2 yang haram... nauzubillahi min zalik.

tapi.. yang sedihnye sekarang... byk alasan yang kite bagi nak menghalalkan sesuatu... walaupun terang2 perkare tersebut dilarang. bagi saye... perkare yg sng bagi kite utk lakukan ialah, kite tanye balik diri kite... agak2 Allah suke x kite bagi alasan tersebut?

kat dunia nie mmg kite boleh putar belit dengan kemahiran bahasa dan logik yang mantap tentang sesuatu perkare... tapi... fikir2kanlah... adakah kite mampu nak putar belit di akhirat nanti? dihadapan semua saksi dan Khaliq yang maha agung?

renung2kanlah dan semoga kite menjadi insan yang lebih baik dalam mengharungi dunia hari ini dan esok.... :)

|i am a muslim :)|

Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 8:54 AM

a very interesting video to share...
agak lame x update blog nie....
mybe some update will come soon... i hope REAL soon... haha
btw... enjoy it... for I AM A MUSLIM TOO :)